Resume Inflation: Top 5 Overstatements

close up of interviewer holding resume

The Bluster and Blarney of Today’s Job Seeker

Filling out your job history? Why settle for being a waitress when you can be a Dining Experience Liaison? While there’s nothing wrong with being a garbage collector, Waste Management Technician does have a certain ring to it.

In today’s job market, it’s not uncommon to come across a phenomenon known as “resume inflation.” It seems to be growing more prevalent as the competition for jobs intensifies and the pressure mounts to present ourselves as exceptional individuals to stand out.

However, let’s take a moment to reflect on the importance of maintaining authenticity in your resume, without feeling the need to exaggerate. After all, your unique skills and experiences speak for themselves, and we’re here to guide you in crafting a resume that truly represents the wonderful professional that you are.

It’s important to strike the right balance between showcasing your achievements and staying true to who you are. Employers have a keen eye for resume exaggerations, even if you’re not intentionally trying to deceive them.

So, consider this friendly reminder: we’re here to help you avoid common resume pitfalls. Let’s take a lighthearted look at some examples of resume embellishments to avoid.

woman sitting behind open laptop looking at screen

Top 5 Resume & Job Application Overstatements

1. Job Titles

Job titles like Genius and Sandwich Artist don’t even raise an eyebrow in today’s landscape. But some, whether Assistant Director in a department of two, or Innovation Sherpa in a technology company, just don’t pass the smell test.

Hiring managers have had it up to here with fluffy jargon. Put your best face forward, but think twice about listing your job title at a call center as Communication Executive.

2. “In Transition”

We’d all prefer to consider ourselves in transition when we don’t have a steady paycheck, but any potential employer knows that means unemployed. And let us be clear: There’s no shame in being employment-challenged.

But if the story you’re sticking to is that you’re in transition, how you’re spending your time during this evolutionary stage better be compelling, and include things like training for a new career or building skills by volunteering.

3. “People Person”

This phrase had its heyday decades ago, but some applicants haven’t retired their people person status either in their resumes or cover letters.

And to be fair, being a people person is not necessarily a bad thing. You probably just want to emphasize your outgoing personality and willingness to get along with just about anyone. But today’s typical people person also can wear the mantel of social maven. Translation: they’ll spend more time chatting it up with co-workers than on the monthly inventory report.

If you interact well with clients, say so, and explain that you have killer telephone etiquette or that you’re known for calming down angry customers and turning their frown upside down.

4. “Results-Oriented”

Many applicants showcase their value with strong phrases like “results-oriented”. Trouble is, application-weary employers are hungry for details about your accomplishments.

Phrases like this are dead weight if you don’t provide actual results to support it. Being results-oriented is great, but you can better demonstrate that by saying that you always see a project through on-time, even if you have to stay a little later when there are hiccups along the way.

5. “Excellent”

Finally, this is your resume, not Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. If your typing fingers are itching to upgrade your accomplishments as “outstanding” or your skills as “excellent”, sit on your hands until the feeling passes. (Unless of course, you won Outstanding Sales Leader of the Year — then by all means, include it proudly.)

Your resume is fact-based, and opinions about your awesomeness should be left to those qualified to put the gloss on your abilities — like your references, who exist to sing your subjective praises.

Need Resume Help?

Writing your resume shouldn’t be anxiety-inducing. There are many resources and templates online to help guide you. But if you just want to talk to someone who can help clean it up with a little professional polish, contact the Bonney team. We’d love to help you out!

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