Onsite Staffing Services

Maximize the productivity and effectiveness of your temporary workers. Find out how Bonney onsite staffing workforce solutions (BOSS) can help.

Why use onsite staffing solutions?

Benefits of a Workforce Engagement Manager

A dedicated workforce engagement manager — also known as an onsite staffing manager — handles all of the day-to-day tasks of managing your contingent workforce. That way your HR team can focus on critical business objectives.

With Bonney’s Onsite Staffing Solutions (BOSS), you’ll save time and money, while reducing risks associated with employee turnover.

Why is our onsite staffing approach better?

We believe that people matter and great people can make a huge difference. With our people-first approach, Bonney’s onsite recruitment (also known as BOSS program) builds employee engagement and retention. It’s why we call our onsite managers, “Workforce Engagement Managers”.


Reduction in turnover

Hours of increased productivity per week

Total onsite hours billed

Our Proven Process for Onsite Staffing Solutions

Our Six Step Process for onsite management ensures that the staff you hire, keeps operations on track and your organization running smoothly — charging ahead.

Recruit with Purpose:
Our recruitment team uses the latest and greatest hiring technologies along with direct recruiting tactics to find the right candidate with the appropriate skills. They’re also constantly in touch with our candidate pipeline to leverage referrals who are uniquely qualified to meet your needs.

Select the Best Talent:
Our team uses an in-depth pre-employment screening process — phone interview, virtual interview, behavioral testing, background checks, and e-verify. You’ll get candidates who aren’t just able to contribute to production, but also possess the intangibles that make them a great fit for your organization’s culture.

Prepare, Energeze, Send:
We stay in touch with the candidate to prepare them with start details, expectations, and continued touch points with best-in-class communication channels — keeping them excited, engaged, and ready for the opportunity.

Engage the Workforce:
A Workforce Engagement Manager takes over large accounts that require onsite management. These managers ensure hands on management with constant feedback and real-time coaching for increased operational efficiencies.

Reporting for Alignment:
Bonney will provide weekly, monthly, and quarterly data reports that will help assess details, guide training efforts, and provide insight on shift-specific issues. Real-time feedback leading towards constant improvement.

Continuously Improve the Partnership:
We’ll strive to improve each and every day and with each and every interaction on site.

Resulting in a fully charged workforce!

Trusted To Deliver

I appreciate and value what the BOSS program brought to our company. Having a Workforce Engagement Manager focused on retention, engagement, and throughput has assisted our floor leaders in being more successful. I appreciated their approach to understanding our needs and coming up with solutions to address them versus a standard “here is what we have” solution. I highly recommend looking at the BOSS program for your organization.

– Tim J., Production manager

Onsite Staffing Services

Proven Results From Our Onsite Management Program

See our case study for details on how we’ve been able to help companies like yours solve their hiring challenges.


Make the most of your temporary workforce.

Engagement on-the-ground makes a big difference in how engaged and productive your temporary workforce is.

Explore how Bonney’s approach to onsite staffing and workforce engagement can help your business grow.

Make the most of your temporary workforce
What is onsite staffing(also known as BOSS)?

The BOSS program offers a dedicated onsite staffing manager (Workforce Engagement Manager) to oversee and manage the day-to-day operations of associates. The Workforce Engagement Manager also serves as a resource to supervisors and decision-makers. We work for you, in your building, on your warehouse, or production floor.

Why should I consider an onsite staffing?

Your business should consider one of Bonny’s workforce engagement managers if you’re a large manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, or logistics company challenged with high employment risk, rising staffing costs, increased overtime, and turnover. An onsite staffing model provides organizations with a holistic workforce strategy with a personal expert.

What are the advantages of an onsite staffing manager?

Onsite staffing can produce powerful results for your business including:

  • Reduce site downtime
  • Ramp up quickly for peak season
  • Improve productivity
  • Improve process efficiencies 
  • Control labor costs
  • Reduce time-to-fill
  • Ensure safety and a comfortable working environment
What are the roles and responsibilities of an onsite manager?

The Workforce Engagement Manager’s singular focus is your business. Think of them as an extension of your production team. It’s true they deal with day-to-day HR tasks and employee attendance, but they spend a majority of their time on the production floor alongside your temporary workforce: 

  • Building employee engagement and retention
  • Developing custom solutions to drive productivity and meet production goals
  • Coaching and supporting Bonney associates so they succeed in their positions
What is required to partner with the BOSS program?

Our client partners believe that people are their most important asset, therefore have a desire to drive performance through strong associate engagement. BOSS partners fully support having a Workforce Engagement Manager on the floor assisting our associates and their supervisors and line leads.

Get started with onsite staffing services

Better workforce engagement starts with a great BOSS.