The job interview is over. Now what? Many employers will use this period to test an applicant’s interest in a...
Job Seeker Tips
Pink Slip Pointers: Top 10 Tips for Surviving Layoffs
Being downsized, dismissed, laid off, or let go is always shocking. In times like these, workers need all the...
Are You Risking Job Burnout?
Every job has its ups and downs. But sometimes the downs last longer than they should. If your work environment...
What You Can Do to Stand out From Other Candidates
Competition for jobs in today’s market is fierce. Hiring managers spend a lot of time evaluating resumes and interviewing candidates, and it can be difficult to make a lasting impression and...
How to Network Your Way to a New Job
When you are seeking new career opportunities, it pays to diversify your job search strategies. Directly applying to job posts should be your main job-seeking activity, but it shouldn’t be your only...
Mistakes You Didn’t Realize You Were Making at Work
The first few weeks on a new job are a time to impress, but as the weeks and months pass by, it’s easy to get a little lax. Soon, personal productivity is down and you spend more time on Facebook...
Here Are Some Things You Should Do When You Get a New Job
Congratulations, you received a job offer and accepted! Getting a new job can be an extremely exciting time, but there are some things you need to do immediately to ensure a smooth transition into...
Start Your New Year Off Well With These 3 Job-Search Tips
If you have been searching for new job opportunities, you probably took a little time off for the holidays. Now that December is behind us, it’s time to jump back in and get your search going again....
The Importance of Setting Career Goals for the New Year
The new year is almost here, which means many people are thinking about New Year’s resolutions and the changes they want to make in the near future. It’s also a great time to think about your own...
Stand Out From the Pack: You Are The Best Candidate for the Job!
In today’s job market, competition is steep. Even if you know you are the best candidate for the job, you want to take every opportunity to demonstrate that point to hiring managers and give...
Thankful for Your Job? 3 Perfect Ways to Show It to Your Boss
Are you thankful for the job that you go to each day to earn a living? If so, why not take the time to show your boss that you are appreciative. You don’t have to spend money, or be elaborate in...
3 Critical Questions to Ask Before You Accept a Job
Job searches are grueling and can tax you mentally, emotionally and even physically. So when a hiring manager calls to offer you a position, it’s tempting to just say yes without even thinking....